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On Monday 27th of January 2025 we were delighted to attend the launch of the Dublin City University Centre for Inclusive Pedagogy event. IQM were invited guests of Dr. Aoife Brennan and Dr. Joe Travers and listened along with other invitees to the respected voice on all matters regarding global inclusion Professor Mel Ainscow and also to Derval McDonagh, CEO of Inclusion Ireland.

The mission of the DCU Centre for Inclusive Pedagogy is to host a vibrant and dynamic community of educational researchers committed to conducting and sharing internationally significant research that will develop understanding of pedagogy to support the inclusion of all learners in education. The overall purpose of the centre is to focus research on how to include all students in the general education system from a pedagogical, curricular, assessment and community perspective, giving all access to, participation in and benefit from individually relevant learning. Just like the modus operandi of IQM, it has a focus of inquiry on raising and questioning key and critical issues related to delivering on ‘full inclusion’ in educational contexts in terms of availability, accessibility, acceptability, and adaptability. IQM are keen to support the centre and amplify this message with leaders across Irish schools. Enabling and furthering the understanding and practice of inclusive pedagogy and developing the pedagogical expertise and efficacy of educators across the range of educational settings. 

The need to raise standards in Irish schools and the creation of purposeful direction for inclusive practice was highlighted in the recently published Department of Education Inspectorate Report (2021-2023) and Thematic Review.

“…The inspection programme in primary schools, special schools and post-primary schools during the period 2023-2024 placed a focus on inclusion – with particular reference to the inclusion of children and young people with special educational needs. The inspection findings during that period show that the Irish education system has made significant progress towards inclusive provision. However, the findings also indicate that there are still areas that need improvement to ensure that all children have access to high-quality learning experiences and that they feel valued, respected and included in their school community.”

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The event was timely in that it coincided with the official launch of the Irish IQM website. IQM, with its headquarters in Co. Derry, have acted as a school improvement partner in the UK and internationally for twenty years. Our experts are all drawn from teaching and school leadership positions. Interest in inclusive pedagogy, futureproofing practice and creating cultures of belonging in Irish schools are the key drivers and discussion points for leaders as 2025 begins.

IQM welcome this development by the team at DCU and look forward to an exciting new era of collaboration and accreditation with schools across the island of Ireland.

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