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IQM recently had the pleasure of visiting Bunscoil Rís, Edmund Rice Senior School, in New Ross, County Wexford and spending the day with Principal Gerry Moran and his Deputy Principal Niamh King. Schools from across all four provinces have now requested a FREE IQM Information Pack. However, Bunscoil Rís became the first Irish primary school to register for the Inclusive School Award with IQM since our website launch in January 2025.

As professionals, we came together that morning to discuss the school’s current levels of whole school inclusion. The evaluation process with IQM supports and enhances the school improvement model. Collaboratively, we outlined a vision for completion of the process and a roadmap towards assessment. Collegially, we discussed how the school could best evidence their own unique context/narrative against the Eight Elements of holistic school inclusion outlined in the IQM framework. Crucially, the framework invigorates the leadership conversations that allow for prioritisation and better identification of areas in need of strategic development, nurture and growth.

Whilst on campus I was struck with Principal Moran and how he spoke with passion about his inspirational staff and the fantastic children who learn in his classrooms. It was clear to me that part of the rationale behind his school’s involvement in the Inclusive School Award, was to help futureproof the culture and environment that prevails in Edmund Rice. Ethos is the Greek word for character. This nurturing ethos of belonging is necessary for his dedicated, hard-working, and committed learners and staff to thrive in.  The aspiration is to improve standards and student outcomes for many years to come.

The very best Irish schools follow a positive-enquiry approach towards improvement. Principal Moran and the team has found this method an excellent way of developing talent and the unlocking of potential. Accountable leaders draft action plans driven by school priorities and a desire to reduce the potential impact felt by inequity. Staff wellbeing and satisfaction are always key priorities at the school and, as a result, staff retention levels are good. There is a strong sense of psychological safety felt in the school by all patrons. The process of self-evaluation is at the heart of everything Gerry and his team do. They methodically reflect on and review their inclusive practices in every aspect of school life. When necessary they are prepared to make the changes that ensure that the quality of their provision is improved upon. Staff at Edmund Rice, at all stages in their career, work together for the betterment of the children they educate.

The IQM Framework will be used effectively by school leaders at Bunscoil Rís. They see the IQM Eight Elements as key performance indicators for evaluating the success of the school on an annual basis and for prioritising areas that will lead to a more fulfilling school experience for all pupils. Bunscoil Rís is an example of how schools can build inclusion into everything they do. We look forward to working with Gerry and his team and indeed many other Irish schools from a range of settings as 2025 develops.

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